Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing drives traffic to your site and gets you noticed. It’s what helps your customers find you and how you create good relationships with them. Getting traffic to your site is essential. You can have the greatest website in the world, but if you don’t have any traffic coming to it, it’s not going to be productive for you. You can have a 100% conversion rate, but with no traffic, 0 times 100 is still 0 results.

We help you target visitors who are looking for someone who does exactly what you do, exactly the way you do it- so you don’t just get a bunch of impressions, or traffic, or even a bunch of clicks; you get actual leads and actual clients.

The field of Digital Marketing is huge and constantly evolving. Social media marketing, search engine optimization, email campaigns, product videos, and blogging are all forms of digital marketing. It’s easy to get overwhelmed in the sea of strategies out there. Your business needs an individual approach, tailored with the right balance of techniques to reach and connect with your own audience. MagicLamp’s experienced web strategists will help you select the techniques that will work best for your company’s specific business objectives.

These are a few of the tools we use to get it done:

Search Engine Marketing

How do people find websites? Most of the time, with search engines.
Through SEM, we use the power of search engines to bring visitors to your site.
We accomplish this through many different channels. We will create a complete marketing strategy with the most effective tools and techniques for your specific markets.

SEO means doing specific things to your site so you qualify for higher rankings in search results. We can make your site easy for both visitors and search engine robots to understand, putting you right up there on the first page for your best keywords.
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Content Marketing means putting things visitors want to see, read, or listen to on your site so that people will visit, share, link, and talk about it. This kind of marketing is incredibly rich and varied, including product videos, blogs, customer reviews, podcasts, and much more.
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Your web copy is your business’s voice. The words on your site send strong messages to visitors- and text is also what search engines use to read and classify your site! Make sure you have the right words for the job.
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Social Media Marketing

Everyone’s talking about it: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, just to name a few. Social Media Marketing is more than having a profile or buying ad space on Facebook. Let us show you new ways social media can grow your business, from launching sweepstakes to offering custom FB apps.

Vertical Search Engines

A new strategy, using topical search engines like Yelp or to market your business to people searching within specific industries. These specialized online directories can target your audience more efficiently than general search engines.

Affiliate Marketing

Reaching out to affiliate networks or bloggers who share your target audience and negotiating to give these affiliates a small profit percentage in exchange for any successful sales they send your way.

Other strategies we use include Facebook Marketing (purchasing ad space on Facebook), Google Adwords (advertising on Google or in Google’s content network),
Behavioral Remarketing, Retargeting, Advertised Links, and Pay-Per-Click services.

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