
DragonFly Designs: Where Creativity Meets Fun

The people at DragonFly Designs believe that there are few experiences more rewarding than helping kids explore their creative side. They spend a great deal of time sharing their love of the arts with kids of all ages by teaching new artistic skills in classes, private events, camps, and parties.

DragonFly Designs started as a small jewelry business before its owner, Stacee Gillelen, realized that she enjoyed sharing and teaching her skills and began offering classes. What started as a few jewelry making classes rapidly gained traction and now, DragonFly Designs offer classes in disciplines as wide-ranging as painting, textiles, dance, yoga, and even organic gardening in English, Spanish, and Mandarin. In addition to the classes, DragonFly Designs began offering camps to help kids learn about new artistic pursuits.

While DragonFly Designs tells a true success story, rapid growth can be challenging to manage. With increased popularity comes the need for quick and easy booking and a web presence that inspires confidence and is easily navigable. We at MagicLamp were able to provide all of these and more to DragonFly Designs, helping them manage their impressive rate of growth while continuing to grow.

WordPress and WooCommerce for Booking Management

At MagicLamp, we work hard to tailor each web design to meet the specific needs of the client. In this case, we used the WordPress design to evoke a sense of fun and lightheartedness, matching the DragonFly Designs’ ideals and values. The site includes many photos and testimonials, all geared toward showing how beneficial the arts can be for children.

Because of DragonFly Designs large quantity of different classes, camps, and private events, reliable Ecommerce is a must-have, especially because a mistake in booking could lead to some pretty big inconveniences for potential customers or even lost business. In order to mitigate any problems, MagicLamp custom-built DragonFly Designs’ party, class, and camp registration system with WooCommerce to ensure that it operated within the specific parameters that they required. As one of the tope Ecommerce platforms in the world, WooCommerce is fully integrated with WordPress, which makes for a seamless transition from browsing to shopping. By using WooCommerce for booking, we were also able to set it up in the same Ecommerce system as the rest of DragonFly Designs’ products, allowing customers to purchase products, sign up for classes, and check-out all in one place.

Add-Ons, Upgrades, and Bundles

Because of the custom, single check-out system we enacted through WooCommerce, we were able to include a feature that offers suggested purchases upon check-out. This minor addition increases DragonFly Designs’ sales by helping customers discover additional products they might be interested in and offering them at the point of purchase.

At MagicLamp, we’re always grateful when we get to partner with an organization as caring and kindhearted as DragonFly Designs, and we love helping them meet their incredibly important goals. Taking part in the introduction of the arts to people’s lives is an immensely rewarding experience that we deeply enjoyed.

Creating a Virtual Showroom: Lights Fantastic Pro

If there’s one thing we learned from working with Lights Fantastic Pro, it’s that high-quality lighting is fast-paced and nuanced industry. Keeping up with rapidly-changing trends is an important part of any lighting company, and the people at Lights Fantastic Pro have mastered the art of navigating and succeeding in the lighting industry. Working with what we learned about the lighting industry, MagicLamp set out to build Lights Fantastic Pro a cutting edge but comfortable web presence that would showcase their quality products and keep them in touch with ever-important design trends, all while retaining a high level of functionality so as to manage their expansive catalog. Making the most of our wide array of available tools, we were able to build a site that exceeded our expectations.

WordPress and WooCommerce

Working within WordPress continues to be one of the best decisions we can make when building high-performance websites. WordPress affords us a myriad tools and plugins that allow us to create fully customized and optimized websites, and when seamlessly integrated with WooCommerce, Eccomerce really starts to take flight.

Lights Fantastic Pro’s website is designed specifically to fit their premium brand, with a tastefully simple appearance that doesn’t betray its functionality. It includes a large gallery to display the many uses of their lighting, an about page with information on their showroom, a vast catalog of products made simple through WooCommerce tools. All of this was done within a theme MagicLamp custom built for Lights Fantastic Pro.

Custom Theme and Mobile Support

With products as delicate and subtle as lighting, Lights Fantastic Pro and MagicLamp agreed that a custom theme was definitely in order to properly showcase their offerings. We worked to build a theme that enhanced the natural beauty of lighting while retaining a professional air.

Use of the custom theme also extended to mobile. By using a custom theme, we were able to carefully tailor the website’s mobile presence to fit Lights Fantastic Pro’s needs and style. Our mobile design transfers the style of the full web design to any phone, simplifying mobile browsing and shopping.

Catalog Management

Lights Fantastic Pro boasts a massive and varied catalog of different lights, ranging from industrial to small residential pieces, but with the flexibility of WordPress and WooCommerce, we created a fast and navigable catalog that makes Ecommerce easy. Through careful plugin choice, plugin optimization, and optimized load times, we were able to build a performance-oriented website that serves to bolster Ecommerce while retaining the elegance present within the lighting industry.

MagicLamp is proud to partner with Lights Fantastic Pro to help them take a new step in their business. Maintaining a solid web presence is a challenging and rewarding endeavor, so we work hard build and maintain quality websites for our clients. We’re excited to see the increases to Lights Fantastic Pro’s Ecommerce and web presence, and we look forward to everything the future holds for their business!


Website Upgrade for Riad Tile: WooCommerce + Custom Freight

When presenting products that prominently feature visually appealing design, a visually appealing website to match can be every bit as important as the products themselves. At Riad Tile, each and every tile is handmade by craftsmen who create their gorgeous patterns and deep coloration. Riad Tile’s products are painstakingly crafted and designed, and they required a web presence that would be able to demonstrate this level of mastery. MagicLamp was able to deliver by using graphics and web design to build a site that showcases Riad Tiles’ beautiful products while utilizing the power of WordPress to create a useful ecommerce presence.


The idea that WordPress is the best tool for the job is proven time and time again at MagicLamp. Riad Tile required a unique site that showed off their stunning products and featured a customized ecommerce platform to cater to their freight shipping methods. Through WordPress, MagicLamp crafted a website that accomplished all of Riad Tile’s web goals.

The Riad Tile site is thoroughly modern and welcoming, using subdued but inviting web design to frame Riad Tile’s stimulating tile designs. The simple one pager style works brilliantly to display Riad’s offerings and personality. The site contains a home page, an ‘About’ section, a shop, installation notes, and a contact form, all without seeming too busy at all.


At MagicLamp, we build custom solutions to fit the specific needs to different businesses, and WooCommerce allows us the freedom needed to do so. Due to Riad Tile’s unique shipping methods, they required an ecommerce presence catered very specifically to them. WooCommerce gave us the ability to create a platform for Riad Tile that met all of their requirements and merged seamlessly with the rest of the site. Through WooCommerce, MagicLamp was able to craft an ecommerce presence that simplifies the purchase process, putting customers at ease.

Custom Freight Integration

Because of the weight and size of their shipments, Riad Tile cannot simply ship their products via UPS or FedEx. Because everything must be shipped by freight, Riad Tile wanted a way to help their customers calculate shipping costs, and MagicLamp was happy to oblige. We created a custom WordPress plugin that utilized a number of different parameters in order to provide the lowest possible shipping quote to customers upon checkout. By integrating this plugin to the WooCommerce, we were able to provide the high level of customer care that Riad Tile wanted.

Custom Samples

Riad Tile’s products are elegant and impressive, so they require the best possible showcasing in order to do them justice. MagicLamp worked to craft visual samples that demonstrate the excellent and unique qualities of each individual style. From Allegro to Zanzibar, MagicLamp’s WordPress design ensures that each tile is properly displayed to visitors.

Riad Tile obviously works hard to build the best and most beautiful products they can for their customers, so we made sure that their care and attention to detail doesn’t go unnoticed. Through WordPress, we were able to craft a site that shows off Riad’s dedication to artistry, all while building a custom ecommerce presence to cater to the unique needs of Riad Tile and their customers.

Keeping an Ear to the Ground: AARP Hearing Care Website

Hearing loss is no small problem to tackle. According to AARP Hearing Care, some 40 million Americans of all ages suffer from some degree of hearing loss, but many cases go unidentified. With this relatively common problem in mind, MagicLamp knew we had our work cut out for us. We were tasked with creating a website that used a visually-engaging design style to draw in viewers as well as craft a successful ecommerce presence. We chose to work through WordPress and WooCommerce to help the AARP Hearing Care Program reach their audience and spread their important message of healthy hearing as far as it would go.


When creating professional but aesthetic sites, there really is no better web creation tool than WordPress. There are plugins for just about any purpose and a great deal of freedom when it comes to design options. MagicLamp believes WordPress is truly the best tool for the job, so we use it as frequently as we can when developing new sites.

Our WordPress design for AARP Hearing Care is colorful and lively, but doesn’t sacrifice usability. We designed the site to bring a bit of lightheartedness to the idea of aural health through use of vibrant images, colors, and banners. The site includes pages on hearing health, hearing aids, various hearing products, and news regarding advances within aural care. MagicLamp’s WordPress design uses inviting visuals to draw in visitors and easy navigation to direct them where they need to go.


While the WordPress design is of the utmost importance in order to retain visitors, another factor that can’t be overlooked is the value of functional ecommerce. Having an online store that works quickly, simply, and securely is an invaluable part of any successful online business, so MagicLamp worked to create an ecommerce presence that fulfilled these parameters.

When crafting an online store, we find that the best tool for the job is WordPress’ WooCommerce tool. It’s one of the most widely used ecommerce tools for good reason, as it can be used to build just about any type of online store. Our WooCommerce design was able to accommodate and organize AARP Hearing Care’s wide array of products, allowing for a seamless purchase experience for customers. Through use of the many WooCommerce tools and plugins, MagicLamp was able to create an online store that is fully integrated with AARP Hearing Care’s web presence.

At MagicLamp, we devote our energy to crafting the perfect website for our clients’ often unique needs. AARP Hearing Care required an engaging site design with an ecommerce presence to match. Through our years of experience in WordPress and WooCommerce, we were able to build a site that ensures all visitors enjoy their experience and return for further information and purchases.

Getting to work with AARP Hearing Care to help improve aural health nationwide was privilege that we at MagicLamp truly enjoyed. We work hard to use our web development skills to showcase the best qualities of our clients, and creating a site for a business that offers services as important as hearing care was an exciting and rewarding experience.

A Clean Look to Match Minimalist Golf Swing

ecommerce web design

The people behind Minimalist Golf Swing have truly thought of everything. Their program, the Minimalist Golf Swing System, is a merger of decades of professional-level golf experience, advanced kinesiology, and technology that intuitively instructs users on how to drastically improve their golf game. Needless to say, creating an online face for a company with such complexities as Minimalist Golf swing presented a unique challenge for MagicLamp, a challenge we were happy to meet. Through WordPress, were able to build the perfect website for Minimalist Golf Swing, and by using web design and WordPress plugins, we were able reveal some of the qualities that make Minimalist Golf Swing such a unique business.


WordPress remains our top choice for developing and designing custom websites. Through its wide array of tools and its easy customization, MagicLamp is able to build websites that seamlessly function as an extension of an existing business. Minimalist Golf Swing was no exception.

The Minimalist Golf Swing WordPress design is simple and, appropriately, minimal. Despite the minimalist design, the site is full of useful information and helpful diagrams, allowing visitors to get a taste of the Minimalist Golf Swing System. Using the online store to purchase learning materials is quite easy. The site contains an About page, the online store, testimonials, a blog full of tips and interesting information, and a News page. Our WordPress design truly captures the essence that Minimalist Golf Swing works to cultivate.


When creating online stores, there’s no better tool than WordPress’ WooCommerce platform. WooCommerce is the most widely-used ecommerce platform in the world, powering 39% of all online stores. Minimalist Golf Swing offers a very specific selection of online lessons, and WooCommerce was the perfect way to build their store. With the versatility offered by WooCommerce, we were able to build a simple and intuitive online store that showcases Minimalist Golf Swing’s products and makes it easy for visitors to make purchases.

Learning Management System

As an educational resource, Minimalist Golf Swing required their website to be able to support some rather unique functions. MagicLamp was able to work with them and design a Learning Management System for their customers. A Learning Management System is an aggregation of videos and online quizzes aimed at ensuring the success of Minimalist Golf Swing’s customers. Through the Learning Management System, Minimalist Golf Swing is able to ensure their materials are understood, making sure that the customers see the progress that they desire.

MagicLamp thrives on the success of our clients. Through our WordPress design, WooCommerce expertise, and meticulously crafted Learning Management System, we were able to help Minimalist Golf Swing attain the level of ecommerce they desired while ensuring that their website has a professional and modern appearance. MagicLamp’s WordPress design was built with visitors in mind. It is clear and simple, and materials are quickly and easily accessed with no hassle whatsoever. This visitor-minded design makes certain that visitors to Minimalist Golf Swing can find exactly what they’re looking for, ultimately increasing their amount of ecommerce and further establishing their business.


Bringing Simplicity to Complex Subject Matter: Radiography CE

Between X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and all the technology that makes them possible , radiography is a fairly complicated field. Couple the natural nuances of radiography with massive technological advancements caused by digitization, and the result is a need to educate radiographers in the new and upcoming developments in their field. Radiography CE, a program created by Digital Imaging Consultants, is designed to help practicing technologists and educational programs fully transition to digital imaging technology.

At MagicLamp, we specialize in building websites that complement their owners, so we worked closely with Radiography CE to find the best way to construct their web presence. As radiography education is nuanced enough on its own, Radiography CE required a useful streamlining of their web design. Through our work in WordPress, we were able to set them up with a site that simplifies the process of beginning an education.


Radiography CE was something of a unique development case for MagicLamp. Prior to working with us, Radiography CE was working with another who partially created the site but was unable to see it through. Fortunately, we were able to help them get the site back on track. Our WordPress experts worked not only to get the website up and running, but to complete Radiography CE’s entire web presence by finishing out the small details that can make a difference in retaining visitors. The fully finished site is straightforward and allows visitors to quickly find information and customers easy access to learning materials. The website contains the standard Home, About, and Contact pages as well as a customized Learning Management System for customers.


While working in WordPress, there’s no better way to build and ecommerce presence than WooCommerce. MagicLamp uses it for nearly every ecommerce project we undertake, as we believe it is the best and most versatile tool for the job. Radiography CE’s business model is a testament for such versatility. They required an online store that could link directly to their Learning Management System, and through WooCommerce, MagicLamp was able to deliver. The online store operates simply and intuitively, allowing customers to focus on their lessons first and foremost.

Learning Management System

Considering the specific nature of radiography as a field, Radiography CE required a custom educational system in order to properly utilize the time of their customers. By working closely with Radiography CE, MagicLamp designed a Learning Management System (LMS) built to ensure that students get the most out of their experience. The LMS MagicLamp created for Radiography CE featured use of videos, online quizzes, and other educational resources to help customers take in and retain the information they learn. Additionally, LMS users can receive certification via the online program, further simplifying their education process and ensuring they can focus exclusively on the materials. Through use of our custom designed LMS, Radiography CE is able to see the progress they want to see in their customers.

Working with Radiography CE has been a particularly rewarding experience for all of us at MagicLamp. When we started this project, Radiography CE was stuck with an unfinished project, and now, they have a fully functional website, ecommerce presence, and educational system working as well as it can. At MagicLamp, we pride ourselves in giving our clients the best possible service whatever their situation, and we thoroughly enjoyed helping and working with Radiography CE to improve their web presence.

Building a New Type of Shopping Experience: Intnt

Though the world of online shopping has drastically improved and is more far reaching than ever before, there are still all kinds of unexplored possibilities waiting to be discovered. Intnt is one of those businesses that are built solidly on innovative ideas, like their Text to Shop service. Intnt allows its users to send text messages out asking for advice on retail purchases, and then links the users directly to retailers who make recommendations based on what they asked for.

The prospect of working with such a forward-thinking business was exciting for all of us at MagicLamp. Considering Intnt’s tech-based business model, we were thrilled to work with them to fulfill their unique needs, so we designed a custom website and mobile design to fit their one-of-a-kind personality.


With a product as technology-heavy as Intnt’s Text to Shop, a healthy web presence is incredibly important. While a solid web presence is necessary to support such a product, it’s also instrumental in inspiring confidence in visitors and customers. WordPress was once again the perfect platform to develop an ideal web presence.

MagicLamp crafted a simple but informative site that shows visitors what Intnt is and how to use it. The site is completely inviting and draws visitors in with clear explanations and friendly graphics. Simplicity works to Intnt’s advantage, effortlessly explaining such new concepts as shopping by text. MagicLamp’s WordPress design features a home page, an overview, and extremely useful FAQs page, a page to connect with retailers, and a sign-up for the Beta. This site is just another example of how our efforts are always well spent working in WordPress.

Web Design

When working with a brand new idea, making sure the website that represents it is cutting edge in appearance is almost as important as the product itself, especially to visitors. We kept this idea prominently in mind while creating the website, and we are quite happy with how the visuals turned out! The most important parts of the website are easily accessible and each visual component is designed to draw the eye the proper place. The modern aspect of Intnt is represented well by our design, making sure visitors are comfortable and free from the frustration of difficult navigation.

Mobile Friendly

Considering that Intnt’s system is called Text to Shop, a mobile friendly site is certainly a pretty important part of their business, and though mobile friendly sites are increasingly necessary, they can still sometimes be hard to come by. We at MagicLamp are committed to creating the perfect web presence for our clients, and for businesses like Intnt, a big part of that is the mobile design. Our mobile design allows visitors to easily view and navigate every part of Intnt’s site with ease. It transfers the intuitive design of the desktop site seamlessly into the mobile format.

Working with innovators like Intnt is always a pleasure, as is getting to play part in new products and services like Text to Shop. We found it to be a rewarding and fascinating experience, and we look forward to our partnership with Intnt as they continue to grow.

MagicLamp Launches 3 New Sites – Including WooCommerce!


MagicLamp’s site design for Cowboy Charcoal is grilling on all burners. This WordPress site features barbecue photos so real, you can smell the beef! The responsive design introduces you to a readily explorable site.
First up is a side scrolling display that sumptuously showcases Cowboy’s Roundup recipe blog, events and products just below a menu bar to help locate retailers and buy online. Also featured are drop down menus listing all products, how-to videos, recipes, events and blog options. The bottom half of the page provides an integrated link to Cowboy’s YouTube channel with videos on grilling’s best practices and charcoal selection, and a newsletter signup.
Cowboy’s Roundup blog with its frequently posted on-the-fly barbecue menu ideas as well as a trove of entrée, side dish, dessert and drink recipes provides a clickable print option next to the name of each dish. The blog also has categories that include products for purchase and gift selections for the family grillmaster.
As if all of this weren’t tasty enough, Cowboy’s site also has share links with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google + and Instagram icons featured on the top right of each page. Instagram also has a presence of clickable foodie tiles on the Roundup blog.
Cowboy Charcoal is a division of Duraflame, Inc. and, as you’ll discover on its product page, is also home to Stubb’s barbecue products. Come and get it!
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Next up is APTARE, a Fortune 50 company who now has a website that efficiently showcases its StorageConsole 10, “the industry’s only independent, open and extensible IT analytics platform”. MagicLamp’s web design reflects that uniqueness through its successful application of parallax scrolling effects and video backgrounds on APTARE’s home page.
APTARE tracks raw, assigned and used storage across its customer platforms, securing data to be integrated accurately within billing systems.
With MagicLamp’s web development for APTARE, information on these capabilities and the responsiveness of APTARE’s B2B/IT analytic infrastructure flow seamlessly throughout the site. Use of key terms like backup management, data storage, etc. make APTARE’s site easily found by search engines for customers seeking these services.
This ease of use includes accessing the site via mobile devices where the scroll of information shifts from horizontal to vertical without forfeiting any key elements, even retaining access to peripheral content like white papers and data sheets. The user interface and screens – featuring the use of big beautiful lightboxes on screenshots – provide a detailed breakdown of not just what APTARE offers its customers, but how those customers can optimize the StorageConsole 10’s capabilities and customize it to their specific data and storage needs as well as that of their own customers.
APTARE services now support software-defined storage, Open Stack, Flash and hybrid infrastructures, making it an enterprise-ready platform to meet your company’s IT data backup, storage and real-time access needs.
MagicLamp completed APTARE’s byzantine site in only 45 days.
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Fashion is key at GREI of New York where handmade horsehair fobs and keychains greet your eyes upon landing.
That’s just the first offering shown at GREI’s new website created by Magic Lamp. The WooCommerce site, MagicLamp’s first use of the platform, provides flexibility and compatibility in accessing and ordering any item from its handcrafted inventory of scarves, robes, shirts and more.
The beautifully tactile, rich selection of hand-dyed gray and indigo fashion items float effortlessly between the tabs under each category of apparel. You can display all items under women’s or men’s apparel collectively or review each category by clothing item.
MagicLamp’s web design facilitates the purchase of GREI’s catalog of items online as well as from a select group of stores located in a few key American cities as well as Japan where the fabrics originate. Add to that the ability to customize and even override WordPress features to make use of WooCommerce’s open source platform with its hundreds of options for tracking, buying and selling of merchandise.  It even lets you know how many of an item are left in stock. MagicLamp’s exit intent pop-ups for cart at checkout include a discount offer on your order from GREI as well as one on any future order. There are also share buttons for Instagram and Pinterest to show off what was purchased.
MagicLamp has enhanced GREI’s website further with a tight integration of MailChimp and email marketing with slide-in signups to capture more subscribers, and custom email notifications for order statuses. UPS label printing is also made available onsite for easier fulfillment.

Yes, It’s easy to understand why WooCommerce powers 37% of online stores, and now GREI’s website further distinguishes those offerings.

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MagicLamp Sites Take Home Two Awards from Marie Claire!

UPDATED (March 2016): We’re on Racked too!

Marie Claire’s Annual 55 Best Online Shopping Sites has just been published, and MagicLamp has not one but two clients on the list!
In Claire’s “definitive list of best online shopping destinations,” MagicLamp site Opening Ceremony was selected for the Fashion section of the list, joining upscale online clothiers like Net-a-Porter, STYLEBOB, and Pixie Market.

FACE Stockholm was included in the Beauty category and commended for their sophisticated cosmetics, all stylishly displayed on their bold, sleek, custom-designed user interface.FACE Stockholm

OC and FACE have been clients of MagicLamp for years now, and we’re proud to see them getting this recognition.

Opening Ceremony shows up on’s Best Online Shopping Stores

Among others such as Anthropologie, Forever 21, H&M, J.Crew, Nasty Gal, Norstrom, and Zara, Opening Ceremony gets’s vote for best online shopping stores:

Once simply a quirky boutique; now a fashion force to be reckoned with. Find brand new designers, niche lines from around the world, exclusives from big-name brands, and the store’s own in-house line in the expansive mix.

New Web Sites: Major Ecommerce Upgrade & Redesign with Locator Integration


Amplifying a client’s content above the “noise” of its competitors is nothing new at MagicLamp. Hence the newly launched and multifaceted web design it recently created for HearUSA.
MagicLamp has blended features that include registering online for a free hearing test, and a hearing quiz to help the site’s visitor determine how much hearing assistance he or she needs. Alongside these tools is a fact sheet sharing the many reasons why it’s important to treat hearing loss and the social and psychological consequences for not doing so.
As for the tech side of things, MagicLamp has also integrated a Find a Provider database to locate the site visitor’s 15nearest audiologist. This includes a signup screen so the visitor can be contacted directly by that provider.
The total responsiveness of MagicLamp’s site design is upped another notch with Microsoft Dynamics’ software to oversee and monitor the HearUSA site’s CRM capabilities, making HearUSA’s value loud and clear.
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Sometimes being a trusted resource for quality paper products just isn’t enough. Sometimes you have to fluff and update your look. So with MagicLamp’s technical assistance, Graytex has now segued from its previous website’s functionality to a much more responsive web design.
This required MagicLamp to import hundreds of Graytex’s paper products on about 50 pages from the old site, then re-organizing and creating multiple improved ways to browse those products. Now you can search for paper by category, size and finish as well as by description for each type of paper product. Quantity per pack, product code and individual properties of each paper type are searchable via an at-a-glance product catalog and a master table of elements.
The result has been an improvement in both Graytex’ ecommerce flow and its SEO ranking. Add to that the integration of MailChimp and a coupon code for new subscribers, and you’ve got Graytex moving to the top of the paper pile on the internet!
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