Portraying Professionalism with a Custom WordPress Theme

If Airtec Global LLC were to be described in one word, that word would undoubtedly be “expertise.” Within the air compression systems field, the guys at Airtec are the consummate professionals. They know just about everything there is to know about compression systems of all sizes and brands.  AirTec is nothing if not dedicated to their craft.

Portraying the level of expertise represented by Airtec was a challenge MagicLamp was ready to meet, so we worked hard to gain an understanding of their business in order to build them a complete web presence that matched their values and ideals. Through WordPress, we were able to create a custom site that serves to show the expertise that Airtec brings to the table.


What better way to show off professionalism than through one of the most professional website creation services? WordPress’ impressive array of tools and services allowed MagicLamp to build a website that operates reliably while visually steering visitors where they need to go. The site contains product information, information on the services Airtec offers, a blog section for company and product updates as well as improving SEO, and contact forms that allow visitors to get a free quote. The new Airtec site is sleek, navigable, and performs fantastically.


The new Airtec website received a complete rewrite with a great deal of input and advice from the experts at Airtec . The new copy had to be informative, search engine optimized, and understandable to the average visitor. We were able to write helpful content that helps Airtec register as a search result, increasing their reach. MagicLamp wrote a great deal of varied product descriptions while referring to the level of skill and talent present at Airtec . We made sure to consider Airtec’s mission statement of bringing efficiency to compression systems worldwide while the writing the content and were able to portray this idea to visitors.

Web Design

Just a little bit of design flavor can go a long way in retaining visitors. The Airtec site received a ground-up redesign aimed at bringing their message of efficiency and expertise to everyone that comes across their site. Airtec’s new site is simple, clean-cut, and easy to navigate, and draws attention to the most important parts of the site for visitors to view. The pages are full of information without seeming cluttered and without sacrificing visibility. The site uses high quality graphics that lend additional credibility, further improving AirTec’s image.

Though MagicLamp may have built Airtec’s web presence, we simply built a representation of what was already there. AirTec represents some of the best in their industry, so we built a website that shows off their unparalleled capabilities. We used copy to inform visitors on air compression systems and how their needs can best be met by Airtec , and we used site design to showcase Airtec’s proficiency and steer visitors in the right direction. MagicLamp’s WordPress design will go on to help AirTec grow and find new business while showing the wonderful qualities present in their business.

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